Search and rescue

Co-Founder, CEO
Labels in Yetto are some powerful stuff. We've talked about them before, but I cannot stress how useful hierarchical labeling is and how much information those labels contain. In Yetto, you can find most of what you need in other conversations by applying and filtering for specific label hierarchies. Grabbing all of the conversations with the product-A.feature-X.bug.wontfix
label will get you everything you need to see how your team has handled those requests without returning a bunch of unrelated conversations.
That said, sometimes you need a little more.
Digging and digging
Personally, keyword searches are how I solve about 99% of my problems. Not just in support, either. It seems like high quality search functionality has become the foundation of the modern web. Want to know what "DS&A" means when a customer is complaining about it? (It's "data structures and algorithms," by the way.) Google it. I mean, we've got a brand name verb that we use in multiple languages that basically means "search the internet." ("Googlare" means "to Google" in Italian.)
When a customer writes in with a problem and you're not sure if your team has seen it before, labels are a great place to start. But if you don't have a label for the specific keyword the customer is using? Or you don't know what the most appropriate label would be for their problem? You have to search for it yourself.
Well now you can because Yetto now has full text search capabilities.
What are you looking for?
Information can be all over the place, so we'll let you look all over the place to find what you need. You can search titles and body text. You can search by inbox if you have multiple inboxes in your organization. And we support filtering on syntax such as state
, assignee
, and of course, label
so that you can scope results to exact what you need.
We know it's a big world out there; and we know that not everyone provides support in English. That's why Yetto search handles linguistic stemming in most languages out of the box, so your search for "play" will find "playing" and "played" and "player". And your search for "googlare" will find "googliamo" and "googlavate" and "googlerò".
Search to your heart's content and Yetto will keep up. Check out our documentation to learn more about search syntax and filtering.
You've got customers waiting for you and problems to solve. You don't have time to dig through hundreds of closed conversations looking for the one that mentioned that thing you read that one time. Search for it and stay in the flow. We've got you covered.
Want to see Yetto searching and filtering in action? We're in open beta right now! Sign up and give it a whirl; or contact us at support [at] yetto [dot] app to set up a live demo with one of the founders.