Saved replies

Co-Founder, CEO
Support professionals repeat themselves all the time. We're always repeating ourselves. We say the same things over and over. We deal in redundancy. Saying the same thing to different people is part of the job.
(You get the point.)
Needing to communicate things repeatedly doesn't have to mean you need to type them repeatedly: Yetto's got saved replies now, so you can store frequently-used text and apply it wherever you need it. Maybe you have a common set of instructions for getting customers out of a sticky situation. Maybe you have a standard response for unlocking accounts. Saving blocks of text and dropping them into your responses in Yetto just got way easier.
Save any block of text you want to reuse. Give it a name and go on about your business. Then when you're working through the inbox and need to send those instructions to the thousandth person today, pull up your saved reply list and drop in your text.
Use the new saved reply option in the response field to access all of your saved replies.
Select the one you want from the list. You can search for the shortcut if you have a lot of them.
The saved reply will be inserted into the text field where you left off.
Reusing text helps you get through the inbox quickly without burning a bunch of mental energy on repetitive tasks. It also keeps responses consistent and accurate across the team. But wait, there's more!
You can also include saved replies in autoreply actions, including scheduled actions. Put it all together in a switch, to automate follow-up responses that are specific to customers' issues. Reuse saved replies in automated and non-automated responses whenever you need to.
"version": "2023-03-06",
"events": {
"conversation.labeled": {
"scheduled": [
"after": "1 day",
"conditions": {
"if": "{% data.yetto.message.is_awaiting_response and data.yetto.conversation.labels contains 'bug'" %}
"actions": [
"name": "Send follow-up reply",
"uses": "autoreply",
"with": {
"saved_reply": "bug_follow_up",
"visibility": "public"
Your job shouldn't be repetitive and exhausting. Offload the boring work to us so you can focus on the things that matter. Sign up for the Yetto beta and set up some saved replies today.